ARC is a digital platform that gathers and uses data to measure and improve the sustainability performance of the built environment, from buildings to cities and communities. Greenwich s.r.l offers set-up, development and monitoring consultancy services through the innovative ARC platform. Aimed at customers intending to assess their environmental performance innovatively and continuously! ARC was … Continued

ARC is a digital platform that gathers and uses data to measure and improve the sustainability performance of the built environment, from buildings to cities and communities.

Greenwich s.r.l offers set-up, development and monitoring consultancy services through the innovative ARC platform. Aimed at customers intending to assess their environmental performance innovatively and continuously!

ARC was designed by Arc Skoru Inc., a company created by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) and fully embraces the visions of GBCI, the US Green Building Council (USGBC) and its partners.

The approach of this tool provides a simple understanding of how to improve sustainability performance, to promote human health and well-being and contribute to a better quality of life.

How does the ARC platform work?

ARC monitors performance based on the set of data that is uploaded by the user and that comes from measurements and surveys on the main aspects that characterise the building: energy consumption, water consumption, the amount of waste produced, CO2 emissions from transport and the human experience of those living in the building.

For each of these categories, minimum data for buildings that have been in operation for at least one year must be uploaded on ARC:

  • ENERGY: 12 consecutive months of energy consumption data.
  • WATER: 12 consecutive months of drinking water use of the entire project.
  • WASTE: 1 waste audit in a 12-month period, providing information on waste generation and waste diversion.
  • TRANSPORT: 1 occupant survey providing information on commuting distance and mode of travel.
  • HUMAN EXPERIENCE: 1 occupant survey plus 1 air quality sampling over a 12-month period.

Based on the data entered, ARC calculates a score for each category and a total score on a scale of 1 to 100. In addition to this static score, ARC gives the possibility to create a score referring to the performance of the building over a period of time.

Advantages of using the ARC platform

  1. ARC allows you to observe and monitor an improvement in the performance of your building, leading to a new kind of leadership. The leadership concept of the ARC platform consists of the improvement path, through which it is not essential to achieve the absolute and maximum level of performance, but rather change and evolution over time.
  • ARC offers every project an immediate entry into the world of measurement and certification, no matter where it is on its journey towards sustainability. One can start by monitoring a single category and then working towards higher sustainability targets.
  • ARC provides the tools to manage, measure, analyse, assess and communicate performance data at the building, portfolio and community level. This provides an understanding of markets, a comparison of existing buildings with new projects and the creation of new potential combinations of green building strategies.

ARC Re-Entry vs Covid-19

In 2020, to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, ARC launched a free tool to secure living and working spaces.

ARC Re-Entry is a new tool, within the ARC platform, that gathers and manages information on disease containment.


  • It compares infection control policies and procedures.
  • It gathers the experiences of the occupants.
  • It monitors indoor air quality.

ARC Re-Entry is a tool that creates transparency and a sense of trust between those who manage the building and those who live in them.

It assesses the correspondence between the actual experience of the occupants and the policies and security procedures taken.

It operates through constant monitoring of the data transmitted by the building on air quality and updated feedback from occupants.

Attentive to the world of sustainability that surrounds it, ARC Re-Entry also interfaces as a Pilot credit for projects intending to pursue the two new certifications, LEED Safety First and the WELL Health-Safety Rating.

For more information, contact us.