
Behind the acronym ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) lie three key dimensions for verifying, measuring, monitoring and sustaining a company’s or organization’s sustainability commitment.

Companies that adopt a plan to engage, promote and improve ESG aspects can gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace and achieve better financial performance, as both investors and consumers pay increasing attention to managing the environmental and social impacts of a company or individual product. In addition, increasing regulatory pressure in the ESG arena is forcing, and will force, a large number of companies to report on the management of their environmental and social, as well as economic, impacts through the preparation and publication of a Sustainability Report.

The role of Greenwich

Greenwich, based on the main international reference standards and guidelines (e.g., OECD Guidelines, Sustainable Development Goals “SDGs”, United Nations Global Compact “UNGC”, Global Reporting Initiative “GRI”, European Sustainability Reporting Standards “ESRS”), helps companies understand, quantify and improve their level of ESG maturity through a process consisting of the following steps:

Benchmarking: identification of key ESG trends and best practices for the relevant industry, with mapping and analysis of key competitors;

  • Assessment: “as is” assessment of the Company with identification of ESG risks and opportunities;
  • Positioning: positioning of the Company with respect to trends and best practices in the reference sector;
  • Strategy: definition of the ESG Strategic Guidelines for the short, medium and long term;
  • Strategy Implementation: support in the implementation of strategic actions in the ESG sphere.

Benefits for clients

  • Management of ESG risks and opportunities of interest to stakeholders;
  • Limitation and control of possible legal violations;
  • Reduction of business continuity risks;
  • Increased competitiveness and access to credit;
  • Improved awareness and control of risks associated with its supply chain (click here for Supply Chain Sustainability Audit)
  • Preservation and increase in corporate image;
  • Increased quality and reduced environmental and social impact of its products;
  • Increased satisfaction and loyalty of its Customers and Employees;
  • Positioning as a Leading Company in sustainability.